
Happy 3rd Birthday To My Blog =]

Hello Everyone =]

I cant believe its 3 years since I started my blog! 

I want to say a huge thank you to you all, thank you for reading my posts, thank you for following me and commenting on my posts. 

I never thought i would be able to fit into society til I became apart of the blogging community and having people finally accepting me for who I am. 

Its hard for me to put my emotions out there but feeling like i have the support from other bloggers is amazing. 

Twitter has also helped me be apart of the blogging community as well and I love talking to other people about the same interests we have. 

This may sound silly, but I want my blog to be with me forever, to grow with me in life, something for me to look back on and learn from my past. 

Thank you so much, it means a lot. If I could I would put down my barrier and hug you all haha =]

If you want to get in touch with me, I'm always on twitter, i love a good chat Link =]

Feel free to follow and comment. 

Will write soon, Emma xxx

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