
28/12/2012 =]

So last night, my mum took me to asda so i could get some medicine and i found some really nice jogging pants which i thought were for a tenner but when i got to the till, they were a fiver instead =] bargain!

They are so comfy, and i can wear them as pjs as well =]

Then my auntie and uncle came round for a chat and dinner =] it was nice to see them but i ended up going to bed at 8pm to sleep.

And now I'm awake =] haha

Also about yesterday, i watched some films, first was How to train your dragon, which is an amazing film, toothless is so cute =] then i watched half of Astro boy, which was amazing as well and just then i watched Monsters vs aliens =] which I've seen before but i do love it.

I've got a lot of films recorded for the rest of this week, and i cant wait to watch the films that I've never seen before =]

So on to what is going to happen today, we are all going shopping later on =] I'm going to spend my voucher in matalan =] need some underwear.

Maybe if I'm feeling better later, i might paint my nails and post a picture =]

Will write soon, Emyii xxx

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